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Writer's pictureLisa Lucas

How we changed our life

My husband and I have always worked. I went straight from high school to university, where I worked as an Asssitant in Nursing before graduating and my husband has been working since he left school at 15. And you could say that we’ve always had reasonable wages, considered above the average wage. Our problem wasn’t making money, it was keeping it. For most of our adult life we lived paycheck to paycheck and never really had any savings or significant assets. As soon as money came in, it would go out again. We always paid our bills but we lived on credit.

One day around 8 years ago I saw a couple of speakers at a conference talking about wealth and how to create it. I was given 2 free tickets to their seminar ”Master Mind and Money” by MJB Seminars and I went home and told Mick that I think I’ve finally found someone that can help us to manage our money and stop living in debt. He agreed to go and thought he was going to ditch me after lunch the first day (lol), basically just give me a little moral support and then head to the pub for a beer. Well, after listening to the first hour we were both hooked and on the edge of our seat to learn more. The thing is, they didn’t jus show us the “Wealth Principles”, a structure for managing money that we have managed our money by for the past 8 years and has gotten us from under $200,000 worth of bad debt into an abundance of money, and wealth including a property portfolio worth millions of dollars. They also showed us that the little voice in our head, that inner most dominating thought that we all have “I’m not enough” “I’m dumb” “I can’t do or have that because of my childhood”, that didn’t have to run the show. They showed us there is a way to bust through that perception of I’m not enough and create a truely inspired life that we can design.

Since that first seminar we went on to complete all of MJB Seminars work and 8 years on our life looks completely different in every aspect of our life. In fact our life is so different that friends often don’t recognise us anymore.

Our marriage was on the edge of breaking. We had been separated twice and we were looking down the barrel of a divorce. We had done everything possible to fuck it up on both sides and we couldn’t really remember what it was that brought us together. Our children who were 6 & 8 by now were frightened by our constant loud and verbally aggressive fighting. MJB seminars work saved our marraige. We did the work on ourseleves and were able to see through all the shit and the stories of our past and we now have a 3rd child and our children are no longer frightened by our fights, rather grossed out by our public displays of affection. We are an example for our 16yr old son and 14yr old daughter of what it means to be in a truely happy and respectful relationship that is real and able to work through problems rather than use them as ammunition against each other. And for our 6yr old son, he has never know a mum and dad that have anything but love, affection and respect for each other.

Our daughter was so anxious that she would struggle being left in the car with her older brother while we ducked into the shop to get milk. She had to be walked in everywhere and she really struggled with separation. She now babysits her little brother, catches the bus to city with her friends and is a popular and content young lady who wants to be an actress and is leaping in bounds in her acting academy. She also comes to every Master Mind and Money with us each year when Mitch and Mills come to town. She’s not sure what it is yet but she knows she wants to be around it, which makes us so proud.

Our career’s have achieved heights we didn’t imagine, Mick is constantly feilding offers from other companies that can’t afford him and his bonuses cover our annual overseas holidays. He also has his own property development company which has grown our property portfolio significantly and it continues to grow. As for me I have gone from a Grade 7 nursing role to a grade 11 and co founded my own nursing development company to help others achieve the levels of success I have. I have also achieved master equilibrator level with MJB Seminars and I travel the country with them to assist with the seminars and help others go through the equilibration process to bust through their glass ceiling just like I did all those years ago to achieve a truely inspired life.

To say that MJB saved us is only partly true the truth is they showed us the way and we did the work. We travel the world with Mitch and Mills and will always be grateful for what they showed us was possible. But mostly, I am grateful that we used those free tickets, listened and did the work. As you can see this is not a get rich quick scheme, it is personal development in its truest form and if you are willing to do the work, the pay off is significant. Why we invest in our jobs and go to work conferences, seminars and training to get better at our job but we aren’t willing to do the same thing for ourselves and our life I will never quiet understand. But the investment I have made into myself is by far the greatest investment I have ever made and I continue to make.

I hope in someway I have inspired you to take a leap and invest in yourself. It’s never too late to start living your life inspired.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. You’re playing small does not serve the world!”

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